Archbishop’s mission to refugees

Precious greetings in the name of our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Thanks to the almighty God for giving us a wonderful opportunity to go on mission trip to northern Uganda, Nyumazi,Ayilo and Holwa refugee camps and northern Kenya, Kakuma refugee camp to encourage and share the words of God despite their problems in difficult situation at the refugee camps.

The Lord has given us an awesome privilege to visit susceptible people in refugee camps in dire needs. We were curious to see them because the war has left many families much poorer with many orphans to take care for, who are faced with hunger and numerous health complications. Many women, the elderly and children have found themselves socially disoriented and psychologically destabilized. School and health has become a non-priority in such circumstances especially with the absolute absence of learning facilities and medical facilities in the region.

On the other hand, people have lost hope, and lived in frustrated lives because of the miserable life they had undergone, due to loss of every things, their homes were burnt down to ashes, cattle had gone and have lost their beloved relatives. The question is how to start a new life from nothing. We comforted them with the word of God in order to put their faith in Jesus and restored their hope.

Mission Purpose

The purpose of mission I would say that as the believers in Christ, we need to be proactive, live Christ-centered lives and strive to fulfill the tasks of making disciples by exhibiting a life of a integrity, diligence and sincerity especially among tenth thousands of refugees and displace people within South Sudan in different parts of the Country who are suffering. Thus those who are living in such places are traumatized due to South Sudan unrest.

In the present era, I think; we need to develop an inward passion and fearless to reach the lost souls for his glory and also lead people who are still in the bondage of darkness and lead them to know the path to Christ, the redemptive death of Christ on the cross he has pay for the price for his own blood that he has given us an assurance of salvation for free and which we did not work for it.

Province of South Sudan

The Province of the Anglican Church of South Sudan has several Dioceses and counting, who are working hard on the great commission, spreading the Gospel and restoring hope to the most affected population in South Sudan. These dioceses as as follows;

  1. Archdiocese of Duk
  2. Diocese of Wernyol
  3. Diocese of Bor
  4. Diocese of Juba
  5. Diocese of Kongor
  6. Diocese of Akot
  7. Diocese of Awiel
  8. Diocese of Korfulus
  9. Diocese of Meluth
  10. Diocese of Rumbek Central.
  11. Diocese of Rumbek North.
  12. Diocese of Cueibet.
  13. Diocese (Area) of Wanjok
  14. Diocese (Area) of Gogrial
  15. Diocese (Area) of Tonj

The Anglican Church in diasporas have more churches that are part of those who fled from the mentioned dioceses above. In northern Uganda there are thirteen Churches within the refugee settlements of Nyumazi, Ayilo(1&2), Olwa, Milijo, Pagirinya, Maaji, and Alere while In Kenya, there are two churches in Nakuru and Kakuma refugee camp.

In both refugee camps we have orphans those who cannot afford to go to Secondary Schools and Universities for further studies. There support mainly depend on those willing to fulfill the promise of care ministry as part of helping God’s children grow. Their help comes from Jesus through the generous contributions that anyone can give us to pay for their school fees. We do appreciate all generous contributions in advance.


The chances for both the University and Secondary are very rare in order for one to pursue the career of choice for personal development to better equip them to have bright future.

We have compassion and this has propelled us to appeal to solicit for funding for the scholarship of the orphans who have no chance to study on different levels of educations.

The church is concern about the future of young generations in South Sudan who were born in the bush and don`t have chance to go to back to Country for many decades of the civil war in the Country.

The conflict has strike the Country badly to a degree; in which the fighting had led to flee of people living their homes in South Sudan due to insecurity in the regions, so IDPs are yearning for help. Thus IDPs which have deserted their homes running away for safety are living in harsh situation where they are facing many challenges.

On December, 15th, 2013, South Sudanese civil war has caused major destruction that had left everything destroyed in Upper Nile States, Jonglei and Unity State.Thus, the thousands of IDPS are living in poor situations where they are helpless and have no idea about their future and where to embark their latter.

We have proposed the following projects as the lifesaving to support both the refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in South Sudan in a matter of urgency.

Need for Water Project

Water is essential for life. But the quality of the world’s fresh water resources is threatened by improper sanitation, agricultural runoff and lack of treatment facilities, as well as, disasters and environmental changes. Due to lack of hygiene children dies from a water-related disease.

In South Sudan where women and girls bear the primary responsibility for finding and collecting water, degradation and scarcity of this precious resource is an even greater challenge. Often, young girls can’t go to school because they have to walk for miles to find fresh water for cooking, bathing, drinking and other critical needs.

Having safe water has a tremendous impact on daily life. With these systems in place, people no longer have to spend hours fetching water from polluted lakes, rivers and streams near their homes. Girls can go to school, and women are able to care for their families and pursue education and employment creating a better future for themselves and their communities,
Therefore, water project can help empower communities to create safe and clean water sources by:

  • Building wells and piping systems to prevent waterborne illnesses
  • Installing water stations and systems like rainwater catchment tanks that increase access to safe sources of water
  • Training community members on the use and maintenance of water systems
  • Providing critical education on proper hand washing and hygiene
  • Integrating water programs with proper sanitation and hygiene practices to prevent the pollution of land and water sources.
School Building

The school in South Sudan is none prioritized, the church is concern; education is and always will be very important in building a strong foundation in one’s life; this is especially true in terms of looking at our future generation.

We want our children to be educated, to be up to date with current issues, and able to provide knowledge to the next generation. Education is a strong building block in building a stronger and healthier community.

We have starts by putting an emphasis on the importance of education in our youth today. As a church, it is our obligation to help a children develop their identity and be a contributing factor to society. We must focus on the idea that children are the centre of every society. As a church we must provide protection, security, knowledge, and most importantly good values.

Reliefs for IDP

An internally displaced person (IDP) is someone who is forced to flee his or her home but who remains within his or her country’s borders. They are often referred to as refugees, although they do not fall within the current legal definition of a refugee.

Conflict in South Sudan had forced many people to flee their homes, and this has become a big problem within the country to provide reliefs. There are many IDPs in Jonglei, Upper Nile and Unity State, who don’t have foods.

The Anglican Church has been helping IDPs in South Sudan in those places where IDPs are living such as Equatoria, Jonglei and Bar el gazelle region; the donations is from Child Hope International and Kids Against Hunger from US, these two Organizations has been sending several containers of relief foods to South Sudan helping IDPs in.

Pray for South Sudan peace, reconciliation and stability.

Most Revd John M. Thon
Archbishop of The Anglican Church of South Sudan