The Anglican Church of South Sudan has dismissed the following Bishop and Priest in the dioceses of Duk Padiet and Amiel in the Central Province – Jonglei State.
The Leadership of the Anglican Church of South Sudan has withdrawn all ecclesiastical powers conferred on Bishop Abraham Galuak and Rev. Canon Philip Wuor Maluach and equally dismissed them from the leadership positions and offices they held in accordance with the church custom, tradition and canonical laws that deal with the Bishopric and clergy grave offences in the church that are not limited to heresy, desertion and creating of political division among the communities as well as inciting and fueling conflict within the communities.
The Church in according to the leadership has recorded numerous attempt by the mentioned Bishop and Priest to sabotaged and presents a false picture of the church to the entire public in the name of gain and access to church resources as well as instigating conflicting, preaching division in the church and creating enmity between the communities in the dioceses of Duk Padiet and Amiel as well as equally sabotaging the leadership and rejecting any lawful move taken by the church in restructuring the church administrative units, taking everything individually and presenting the church as if it is their own as well as tarnishing its image.
It should be known that, falsifying and tarnishing the church name in any sense including but not limited to calling it a different church, presenting it leaders as different in whatever mean as well as preaching against the church and creating division within the church in the name of gaining anything or nothing to that effect is punishable in accordance to the church canons and rules.
The Church with records on the offences of the two indicate that, in some attempt, the Bishop and Priest have gone far even to attempt the assassination of the Primate using another Anglican priest and have preached and tarnished the name of the primate and Archbishop of the Central province as well before the public in numerous accounts.
Bishop Abraham Galuak in numerous account had asked different Bishops in the Anglican Church including his Archbishop of Central Province to announce themselves as Primate and overthrow the incumbent Primate so that, he will gain upper hand in his quest destroy the church and dismantle its hierarchy. When his Archbishop did not heed to his advises, and when he realized to have failed, he finally declare himself with his followers as independent leadership, separated from the Anglican Church of South Sudan with the claim that, the Church has turn into another Church, falsifying the church name as always.
In accordance with the Provincial order, the mentioned priest and Bishop have been ripped of all ecclesiastical powers and also dismissed from the leadership positions they recently held in the church. They shall therefore remain as ordinary Christians and are to handover all the assets, office items including all the things in their disposal with which the failure to do will result in a legal procedure taken by the Church against them.
You can read the orders here for more details. Dismissal Orders